

Player Application

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Do you have a working understanding of the Roll20 VTT, and can play a character using a Roll20 sheet?
Do you have a working web cam, and consent to being on screen for the two sessions in which your character will participate?
Are you familiar with the organized play rules of the Adventurers League?
If you are chosen to play in the live streams, you will be required to join a tech call that will typically last between 30 mins to an hour BEFORE the stream begins. Will you be able to commit to this call?
Most Master of Dungeons live play streams will consist of an adventure that will be played over two streams, on consecutive weeks (part 1 & part 2). If you are chosen, will you be able to commit to two consecutive weeks for the adventure?

Further Requirements

As an extra requirement for the Keys from the Golden Vault, your character will be required to be of the level for that particular adventure (not of the tier for that adventure). You are responsible for having a character of the appropriate level.

You will be required to use the Roll20 VTT, and not the Beyond 20 extension.

You will not try to “out think” the adventure, nor try to “skip” to the conclusion.

You will not interrupt monologues of NPCs or the DM’s descriptive text, and not treat NPCs in a rude or disruptive manner.

You will “buy-in” to the adventure, meaning you will not question the reasoning or logicalness behind the PCs accepting the quests in the adventures.

You will not discuss or condemn the adventures, nor discuss your opinion of the adventures on stream.

You will follow the Code of Conduct of the Master of Dungeons Community Discord server AND the Tavern Rules of the Discord server while on stream.

You will not be paid or compensated for your appearance on the live play stream or your participation with the Master of Dungeons collective.

By clicking here you agree to all the requirements above.